Technology under a Microscope


Technology is all around us and advancing by the second. There can be tremendous positives and detrimental negatives to technology, it is up to you to know both sides. Our society has become so accustomed to technology it has become an essential part of life for many. For example, some people revolve their lives around the newest apple products. In this blog post, I going to dive into the relationship I have with technology, the benefits, and consequences, and finally what this class, Media Law and Literacy, has taught me regarding technology. 

    One of the major benefits of technology has been worldwide communication. At the touch of your hand, you can call someone on the other side of the world. This has helped so many families and friends stay in touch. In addition, it allows us to learn new cultures and languages. Instead of waiting days for a piece of mail to come, everything can be accomplished in a second. Technology has also helped improve different fields such as medicine and architecture. Medicine has drastically been impacted by the advancement of technology. Scientists are now able to do experiments in weeks instead of years. Thanks to technology there is the better and more accessible treatment for a wide variety of diseases. As well as huge breakthroughs in data collection, research, and medical devices. In terms of architecture, technology is helping architects see buildings in 3D and change designs to adapt to their surroundings. Furthermore, sellers are able to bring a virtual reality tour to their clients when showing off a space.  Another thing technology has provided us with is the age of social media. Social media is accessible to everyone no matter the age. Many professionals utilize the application, Lindekin, to share their resumes and look for jobs. Tiktok has become one of the biggest platforms for influencers to share their creative ideas and promote products. Instagram and Snapchat are some of the original apps that can be seen on almost everyone's phone. All of these applications serve their individual purpose, you will most likely see someone have all these applications, not just one. Social media can become very addictive. Scrolling for hours through pointless posts and videos can prevent the human brain from being productive. Every application is downloadable through any phone but the most popular being the iPhone. Apple has capitalized on bringing new technology to the world every two years, this is becoming faster each year. Not only do they sell phones, but also smartwatches, computers, and TVs. Professor Smith once said that "the iPhone is a mini-computer". It continues to improve and become more intelligent with each update. If you think for a second about how intelligent a computer has become, it can be very scary. However, this "mini computer" has allowed us to take communication to an entirely new level and further. It is safe to say that technology has had many positive effects on the world. 

    On the other side, technology has had many negative effects on the world. Social media is a way of portraying the positives in life through posts. However, these posts do not always tell the truth. Everyone struggles, but when you see someone living your dream life it can make you feel bad for yourself. Our generation is addicted to the number of likes and shares a post on TikTok or Instagram gets. We base our worth off of people we don't know that are hiding behind a screen. At the end of the day, we all have an overwhelming urge to spend as much time on social media platforms as we can. Social media truly has a tight grasp on society. Teenagers spend up to nine hours on social media platforms, this is outrageous. Social media has the greatest effect on mental health, aka depression and anxiety. According to the Mental Health Foundation, social media increases social anxiety disorder and feelings of loneliness. It is important to know the consequences and limit how much time you spend on social media. Another negative of technology is how not everything is as private as it seems. We have talked a lot about this in class and I never really started believing this until it was proven without a doubt to be true. Everything you post is tracked and looked at under a microscope. Data is shared in order to put the best advertisements in front of your face, so you will click them. As Professor Smith always says "Apple has stolen your identity without you even knowing it." Have you ever given a second that to the fact that Apple has your fingerprint and face ID? No, because we are willing to give ammunition to the machine that will destroy us. It is a scary thought about how much technology has invaded our personal lives. It is now or never that you as an individual start realizing how to protect yourself. 

    The government is constantly trying to limit or take away our first amendment rights. It is up to us to question and keep up to date with what is threatening our rights. Social media and technology are both ways to freely express your opinions on the internet. The government sees this as a threat and will try to block or delete what you have put out. This is called censorship and has caused a lot of turmoil. 

    I want to be completely transparent in this blog post about my relationship with technology. I have an addiction, as many nineteen-year-olds do. I spend the majority of my day on social media despite knowing it is bad for me. I definitely have a lowered attention span and can't focus without my phone somewhere near me. I have about six different social media platforms on my phone and use all of them. These include Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, TikTok, Linkedin, and Youtube. Even though, I communicate with my friends in person you can still always see me talking to someone on the phone, texting, or snap chatting with them. However, I recognize the bad habits I have created and am actively trying to change them. I used to immediately grab my phone the minute I wake up and check all my social media platforms. Currently, I am trying to do my morning routine and then grab my phone after an hour of being awake. In addition, I am putting my phone away and picking up a book to relax my brain before bed. An important lesson I learned from Professor Smith is utilizing the ability to have multiple emails. I currently have three different email addresses, each with its own purpose. My first one is for any spam emails or the email I give when I am buying something. Next, is my professional email with which I only give to important people. Lastly, is my school email which is where I keep in contact with all my teachers. 

    Regrettably, I give out my information freely and don't really withhold certain aspects of my life that I should. I also use my picture for many of my profiles, so it is very easy to look me up online. I do however practice restraint when it comes to posting. I do not post anything that my mother would not approve of because you never know when an important job is going to look you up. This is why it is important to keep your online footprint in check. 

    This class has taught me so much in relation to the first amendment and technology. I will forever be grateful to Professor Smith for opening my eyes to the reality of my relationship with technology. By not allowing us to have our phones near us during class time, Professor Smith was teaching us to be independent. On top of that, we gave multiple presentations about the timeline of technology and awareness, the mediasphere, theories, and policies. The moral of this story is that technology has a major impact on every individual's life. It is up to you whether this impact is solely positive or negative. As a citizen, it is up to you to continue to not let the government rule your life and keep them in check when it comes to your First Amendment rights. I will strive to actively check myself when it comes to my relationship with technology and so should you. 


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