Silence No More: Antiwar Voices

Society has always had the issue of only going off of what is fed to them through biased news sources. It is alarming how few people will take time to further look into issues that are being presented to them. Checking multiple sources and opinions is imperative to being a good citizen. It allows you to gather all the information on a topic before creating your opinion. History classes are now strongly stressing taking the extra step to look up more information on topics. However, we are rarely seeing people looking into antiwar stories. Why is this? Maybe because people are scared of what they might find out when they start looking deeper into the stories of voices silenced by the government. There may never be a true answer to this question. 

Personally, I believe that news outlets are scared of posting the truth. This can be seen with more than just antiwar voices, but any voice speaking out against the government on any issue. News sources are so strongly intertwined with the government is it difficult to determine if we are being manipulated to see things a certain way. Discussing and bringing attention to antiwar voices could lead to an increase in following. People will be more interested to understand why they have been silenced for so long. This could spark an entire revolution against the government not informing its citizens correctly and pushing important opinions into hiding. Everyone needs the chance to vocalize their opinion on war, no matter what it might be. This is how society is able to make smart decisions in the future because we listen to everyone's side. 

Digging for websites may prove to be difficult but at the end of the day, it is entirely worth the effort. The American Conservative is a wonderful website to hear differing opinions that have been kept secret. Websites like this should be spoken about and have more coverage instead of being blocked and censored. It is everyone's right to participate in government in order for us to have a more active and well-informed society. After all, we are America. Shouldn't we be past all this already and moving toward government working with society not against it? 


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